Some of my contributions to the field and the university in the last decade
Organizing committee (programme/abstracts), Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum. EdUHK, 3December 2016
Chair, Local organizing committee, Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum. HKU, 5 December 2015
Organizer HKU Tone Conference, Hong Kong, 17 January 2015
Organizer HKU Tone Workshop, Hong Kong, 12–16 January 2015
Co-organizer (with Diana Archangeli and Michelle Li), 1st HKU Summer Institute for Linguistic Research, Hong Kong, 7–8 July 2014.
Other Professional:
Program Committee (invited, 2020) for 51st Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS51).
Summer intern mentor at HKU: 2019 - mentored three summer interns at HKU Field Lab: Christine Gu (U. Chicago), Priscilla Lam (U. Edinburgh), Angela Xu (UCLA). 2020 - mentored two summer interns: Susie Xu (U.Chicago), Daniel Yue (U.Chicago)
Executive Committee member, Linguistics Society of Hong Kong, 2016–2018.
Editorial board member for Linguistic Research, since 2016
Article Reviewer for Journals: Australian Journal of Linguistics; Journal of Phonetics; Language Documentation & Conservation; Language; Language Sciences; Morphology; Natural Language Engineering; Oceanic Linguistics; Taiwanese Journal of Linguistics
Book Proposal Reviewer. Blackwell Publishing, Wiley Publishing
Grant Proposal Reviewer. Endangered Languages Fund, Yale University.
Scientific committee member for Tonal Aspects of Language (TAL2014, TAL2016, TAL2018),
Abstract reviewer for Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), 2007–2009, West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), 2003–2011, Tonal Aspects of Language (TAL) 2014-2016
External doctoral dissertation examiner for the Australian National University (2011)
Masters thesis examiner (MPhil) HKU 2014-2016: 3 theses
Masters dissertation examiner (MA) for Linguistics, HKU 2014–2016: 9 dissertations
Departmental/College/Faculty service:
Study Abroad Committee, Faculty of Arts, HKU, 2016–2020
University Faculty Admissions Committee, Faculty of Arts, HKU, 2014–2015
HKU Open Day, Departmental representative: Annual event
Undergraduate advisor, Faculty of Arts, HKU, 2014–2021
Director, Field Linguistics Lab, HKU. 2018–2021
Research Postgraduate Coordinator, Linguistics, HKU, 2018
Undergraduate Coordinator, Linguistics, HKU, 2016
Ad Hoc search committee member (2015 & 2016))
Seminar series coordinator, Linguistics, HKU, 2013–2015, 2019-2020